Why You Shouldn't Attempt DIY Drain Snaking

Drain snaking is one of the most efficient ways to clear a clog from a drain, but it's also something that should always be left to a professional. While there are drain snakes that you can buy and use on your own, and it does seem easy to do, there are also too many things that can go wrong if you don't use a drain snake properly. NuFlow St. Louis explains these below:
It Only Offers a Temporary Solution
First of all, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to use a store bought drain snake to clear out a clogged drain if you don't know what you're doing. You might be able to remove enough of a clog to let water through your pipes again, but you may not get rid of the entire clog. If you don't remove everything, the clog will just grow and stop up your drains again.
Lack of Proper Tools
If you absolutely must snake your own drains, make sure that you have the proper tools and the proper training to ensure that your pipes won't be too seriously damaged in the process. Otherwise, you're always better off scheduling professional drain cleaning in St. Louis, MO, to handle the job instead.
You May End Up Damaging Your Pipes
Another reason to leave the snakes to a professional drain cleaning company is to protect your pipes. Drain snakes are meant to tear and cut through a clog, but that means they can do a number on old pipes as well. It's easy to chip off layers of zinc or other materials from older pipes with a drain snake. These bits of pipes might gather together and form another clog and create the very problem that you were trying to solve. Plus, all that material can get into your water and become a health hazard for you and your family.
If you're looking for professional drain cleaning services, contact NuFlow St. Louis today. Whether it's snaking a stubborn drain or fixing other plumbing problems, we will be happy to help you. Call us or fill out the form today.