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Why Sewer Inspection Is Needed in Older Homes

Why Sewer Inspection Is Needed in Older Homes

The sewer system is arguably the most overlooked aspect of a home. That might be the unfortunate case, but sewer camera inspection services in St. Louis, MO is one of the things that every property owner should be vigilant about. This is especially true in the case of older homes. 

Here are a few reasons a sewer line inspection is a must, especially for older homes.

You’re Purchasing an Old House

Older houses have a certain charm to them, which makes them so appealing to the homebuyer demographic. However, before you decide to make such a big investment in your life, you must take the necessary measures to prevent future problems that may arise. For all their affordability and appeal, older homes have a high likelihood of sewer damage due to tree roots growing significantly over a long period of time. In fact, many homes fall victim to this type of issue, whether they’re for sale or otherwise.

A full sewer camera inspection will give you peace of mind and confidence to purchase the old house as you will get a better understanding of the condition of the old sewer line and other systems.

You Need To Check for Toxic Materials 

Most houses built before the 1990s have pipes that can pose potential health risks. Older homes tend to have sewer lines made of polybutylene, galvanized steel, and lead. When polybutylene mixes with chlorine in your water, the pipe becomes brittle and can suddenly break, flooding the entire house and causing water damage.

Having galvanized steel for your sewer pipes is also a health risk because the corrosion and rusting of the steel results in calcium deposits that build up over time, restricting the water flow in the house and may also lead to collapsed and broken pipes. Lead is a health risk as it is toxic when ingested. If you want to know your home conditions and the materials used for the pipes, a professional sewer inspection can help.

Before you purchase an old home, make sure to inspect the sewer for potential problems that may arise later after your purchase. Contact NuFlow St. Louis today and let us know how we can help.

Less Time. Less Mess. Less Money.

Contact the expects at NuFlow St. Louis to schedule your service.

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