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Are Trenchless Repairs More Affordable than Traditional Repairs?

technician repairing pipe using trenchless technology St. Louis, MO

Homeowners have two options for dealing with a damaged sewer line, traditional repairs or trenchless solutions. Trenchless pipe lining in St. Louis, MO, offers better efficiency, less disruptions, and lasting results. That said, some homeowners still prefer traditional repairs because they think that trenchless services are expensive. Read on as NuFlow St. Louis explains what makes trenchless solutions more affordable than traditional methods:

Plumbing Team

Traditional repairs involve the excavation of the damaged sewer line. This means that you would need more plumbers on the job to operate the equipment and complete the repair. This may lead to higher costs. In comparison, pipe lining companies that provide trenchless repairs would only need to send a team of 3 to 4 technicians to finish the job.

Time Involved

The time needed to dig up your yard, repair the damaged sewer pipe, and restore your lawn to its original state can take days. This means that you would have to pay for labor costs and equipment rentals. Because CIPP pipe lining does not require any excavation, it can be completed within the day and may lead to lower costs.

Environmental Disruptions

Cast iron pipe lining eliminates the need for trenches during the repair, resulting in very little environmental disruptions. Unlike in traditional repairs, homeowners need to spend extra to restore their landscaping, which can contribute to higher costs.

In a commercial setting, excavation work can be noisy, messy, and disruptive to the surrounding area. This can result in lost business for nearby companies. With trenchless repairs, however, the disruption is minimized, as the repair work can often be completed with minimal excavation and disturbance to the surrounding area.

While sewer pipe lining may cost more upfront, the added costs of labor, equipment rental, and landscape restoration can actually make it a more affordable option than traditional repairs. At NuFlow St. Louis, we specialize in both trenchless and traditional solutions and can provide you with quality services at competitive prices. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Less Time. Less Mess. Less Money.

Contact the expects at NuFlow St. Louis to schedule your service.

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